Home safely
The plane touched down 45 minutes early on Wednesday afternoon (around 2:15pm), and I blinked back tears as I looked out the window at the Toronto airport.
I keep meaning to write, to try and capture how it feels to be back, but things have been even busier than expected... Spending time with family and loved ones, enjoying my favourite dinners and foods that I haven't had in a year, relaxing in backyards that now seem huge to me (the ones in Britain are so little), and sleeping off jet lag. The last week has been all about adjustment for me. Getting used to the new time zone and learning to exclude British phrases from my everyday conversation (which I forget to do quite often), learning to think about tax when I'm paying for something, and trying really hard not to be surprised at the prices of things.
I spent two days sleeping on and off in a hammock, and eating incredibly good food - most of which came from nearby farms. It still hadn't completely sunk in that I was back on Canadian soil... That didn't happen until Saturday afternoon, while I was enjoying a dinner at Jack Astor's in London ONTARIO with Jeremy and his grandparents. During our meal, I looked up at noticed the replay of a Team Canada hockey match playing on one of the TV screens. Suddenly I felt all choked up and it hit me - I'm HOME.
"bloody hell! I can't believe it! Hockey on the telly! Brilliant!"
(okay, so it might take a little while before I sound like a Canadian again... Until then, feel free to take the mickey out of me all you want.)
(don't know what "take the mickey" means? Look it up mate!)
I'll be back sometime this week with a (hopefully) better account of my homecoming. Time to go and drink my coffee and watch The Weather Network.
It's good to be home :)
I keep meaning to write, to try and capture how it feels to be back, but things have been even busier than expected... Spending time with family and loved ones, enjoying my favourite dinners and foods that I haven't had in a year, relaxing in backyards that now seem huge to me (the ones in Britain are so little), and sleeping off jet lag. The last week has been all about adjustment for me. Getting used to the new time zone and learning to exclude British phrases from my everyday conversation (which I forget to do quite often), learning to think about tax when I'm paying for something, and trying really hard not to be surprised at the prices of things.
I spent two days sleeping on and off in a hammock, and eating incredibly good food - most of which came from nearby farms. It still hadn't completely sunk in that I was back on Canadian soil... That didn't happen until Saturday afternoon, while I was enjoying a dinner at Jack Astor's in London ONTARIO with Jeremy and his grandparents. During our meal, I looked up at noticed the replay of a Team Canada hockey match playing on one of the TV screens. Suddenly I felt all choked up and it hit me - I'm HOME.
"bloody hell! I can't believe it! Hockey on the telly! Brilliant!"
(okay, so it might take a little while before I sound like a Canadian again... Until then, feel free to take the mickey out of me all you want.)
(don't know what "take the mickey" means? Look it up mate!)
I'll be back sometime this week with a (hopefully) better account of my homecoming. Time to go and drink my coffee and watch The Weather Network.
It's good to be home :)
At 12:07 PM,
Suldog said…
Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.
- Robert Frost
At 4:13 PM,
Unknown said…
Home! Congrats :-)
It must feel very strange to be back in some kind of permanent way. I'm not sure how I'll react when I do go home for good.
At 9:30 PM,
Melinda said…
Sully - thanks for the quote! I love Robert Frost :)
Cowgirl - it really does feel strange! I already miss some things about London though (which I'm sure you can identify with). It's definitely something everybody should do though - sure brings a whole new perspective on things :)
At 5:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
What an experience you've had-and I truly admire you for getting through it all. I'm sure you left behind a lot of people who will miss you terribly, but there are a lot of us who are glad you are here! Hope I get a chance to see you and hear some stories of your adventures in London.
At 11:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
You've been Blawarded! I've awarded you twice over... Thinking Blogger Award, and Rockin' Girl Blogger Award. Because your writing is that good.
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