Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Band Geeks Unite!

I know - I've been a terrible blogger lately. Random posts with lots of time in between, and I'm sure the quality isn't the greatest either, given that most of my brain cells have either collapsed in exhaustion or been drowned in a happy sea of rum on the weekends.

To continue with the randomness, here is the result of a quiz I took through Facebook, titled "What Kind of Geek Were You in High School?"

You were a band geek in high school

You were into staying late after school with your other band mates. You were into music and hooking up at random with your friends.

Take this quiz at

Anybody who knew me in high school will know how true that is...

We all played in bands, our boyfriends were in their own band, we went and listened to bands, the guys played guitars and other instruments at our parties, and many of us met because of a band trip. Totally band geeks.

But wow, did we ever have a great time.

I could tell you some pretty good stories...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

To the one who traveled thousands of miles with me

Today, Jeremy turns 26 years old (yep, if you're doing that math - I'm the "older woman"). I'm missing yet another birthday (I think it's okay to complain about this one) as I languish here in London, England.

It's been a hard couple of years - lots of obstacles and things to work through, but he's now working (yay!) in a job that he already loves & July will be here before we know it.

Since I can't be there to celebrate in Canada, here's my "birthday card"... (I promise I'll keep it short!)


Today you turn 26, which means I'm still two years older (not sure about wiser) than you are.

May you have a pint (or two or three) of your favourite beer,
Time to relax and enjoy the day,
A fun dinner out with friends,
and a phone call from your adorable girlfriend in England (who misses you lots!)

Thanks for being there during all of the hard times, and for helping to rebuild my confidence and courage when things seemed hopeless (more than once). You believed in me and supported me and my career even though it meant yours would be put on hold for awhile. You'll never know how much I appreciate it. That new job couldn't have been better deserved...

And so I hope that you take the time today to enjoy yourself and realize that the world became a better place when you came into it.

and so at risk of typing too much (cause we all know I can), I'll just say one more time:

Happy Birthday Jeremy!!!

I hope your birthday was as fantastic as you are!

Love, Mel