Friday, March 10, 2006

where did the week go?

wow - i feel like this week has literally FLOWN by. My interview on Tuesday went extremely well, and I have to admit that I think part of the reason is because of the British lady. She's the one who interviewed me, and was so nice and had that great accent - that I just couldn't be uncomfortable. In the end, she told me that she didn't think they would have any problem finding me work, especially since I was willing to live anywhere in the UK.
Am i?
I really don't know for sure.
It's a hell of an adventure, and I have always wanted to see Europe.
But do I want to be that far away from home? From my family and Jeremy's family, and then there is Kim and Ledawit. That's a whole different thing altogether. See, the privilege of being called "Auntie" means enough to me that the thought of not being able to be part of Gordie and Addis' lives as they grow up is heartbreaking. If I leave, I'll have to face the fact that they'd be over a year before I came back. And the kids I love already wouldn't remember me...
okay ya, I'm sentimental and I know it.

So time will tell where home will be. Hope it's somewhere near London - i have a feeling i'll needed there for awhile, which is fine by me.


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