I love my blog but am getting increasingly dissatisfied with boring header. During my research on how to change this (complete with thorough descriptions of photoshop activities and html coding) my brain suddenly told me off and is now huddled in the corner hoping for a martini.
Since I don't drink martinis and would really like to improve the look of my blog (and help my poor brain to feel better again) - i'm sending an SOS to anybody who might be able to give some advice on how to do this or at least suggest sites that will provide good tutorials.
I've already got an idea of how I want the banner to look but am willing to be flexible so I can break out of this cookie cutter.
Thanks :)
Since I don't drink martinis and would really like to improve the look of my blog (and help my poor brain to feel better again) - i'm sending an SOS to anybody who might be able to give some advice on how to do this or at least suggest sites that will provide good tutorials.
I've already got an idea of how I want the banner to look but am willing to be flexible so I can break out of this cookie cutter.
Thanks :)
At 10:34 AM,
BeechballBeatsCancer said…
Im not sure, but when you find out.. let ME know too! hehe
At 11:06 AM,
Stu said…
I'm in favor of you fleshing out your own idea before getting too many other cooks involved.
I do have feedback for you on your header, but I will wait until you have taken a fair number of swings.
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