Monday, February 26, 2007

Lady in Waiting

Right now Jeremy and I are sitting in our flat that strangely has a Half-Power Outage. Turns out two-thirds of the power in our building is out, and interestingly, only one power outlet in our flat is being affected.

Most flats are completely dark, so we're considering ourselves lucky. Well, we were until we remember the Most Annoying Thing About Living Here: whenever there is a problem with the power, the heat, the water, etc., somebody needs to go through our place to get to the boiler room, which is only accessible through our patio doors. Of course, this little tidbit of information was withheld when they showed us the place back in August, and we've been battling with them for the basic consideration of a phone call before some stranger knocks on the door. When we realized that the power wasn't going to come back on, I called our landlord and asked him when somebody would be coming through our place.

Not only could he not tell me when, but he gave me this snarky attitude and said "well if you don't want to let him in, don't".

As if I would ever not let somebody in who will give me back the outlet controlling my lamp, hairdryer, and toaster oven.

And so we wait. One hour so far, and I'm really hoping that it won't be too much later because it's a school night and this teacher needs her sleep.

EDIT: power came back on 3 hours later - of course the guy didn't leave through our flat until after 11pm. So much for a good night's sleep.

I've been inspired by this experience though... It got me thinking about all of the waiting that I have been doing for the last year.

Waited for graduation from Teacher's College.

Waited to move to London.

Waited to start work.

Waited even longer to get paid.

Waited for Jeremy to get a job... then his visa... then to go to Canada to get his visa... then for his appeal to get his visa to come through... then to decide what the hell to do.

I've waited for over 150 buses, and more than 600 trains (could be more, i'm just ballparking here).

I waited and waited and waited to find out what was happening with my job / my class.


Time until Jeremy moves back to Canada: 3 weeks

Time until my parents come for their visit: 3 weeks

Time until 30 progress reports (that's report cards to you Canadians) are due: 4 days

Time until I get to move back to Canada: 5 months

Time left in this flat: 8 weeks

Seems like all I do is wait... The only thing to do is try to make some memories while I do.

Now I'm waiting for this guy to leave our flat so I can go to bed. Hopefully sooner than later, or tomorrow will be a rough day. All of the sleep-deprived mommies out there can probably understand trying to manage 30 excited 6-7 year olds all day without proper sleep.

Well, that's it for now. Good night!


  • At 9:28 PM, Blogger BeechballBeatsCancer said…

    Try not to focus so much on the waiting as you could focus on the experience instead. I too have done nothing but WAIT for years now... I don't even wanna start my list, but I have learned to just take things in and enjoy the moment that has been presented! :) Helps to pass the time a bit better, and keeps me calm when I am super, super impatient (which is often, lol)

  • At 12:15 PM, Blogger High Power Rocketry said…

    What is a flat?

  • At 12:59 PM, Blogger Suldog said…

    That's what a tire becomes after you run over some nails. I don't know exactly why, but for some reason people in London live in them.

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger Melinda said…

    mooney - sorry no x-rated pics dude. I'm not that kind of girl :P

    Lyndsay - thanks for the advice. We're definitely trying to make the most of our time here, and I'm sure I'll have some fantastic memories by the time I get on the plane for home.

    r2k - I guess Sully kind of answered that question - "flat" is just another word for apartment. Not sure where that word came from, but that's what they call them here...

    Sully - your response actually made me wake Jeremy up from laughing out loud this morning. Thanks for the great start to the day :)

  • At 1:08 AM, Blogger BeechballBeatsCancer said…

    Hey Mel, although I don't 'kno' you personally, I feel like I know you on and get a feel for the things you like. Which is why I'm sending you this link. I got it from my brother who has become very successful in his life and he wants me to succeed too. I think that you will/would really appreciate this. Take a look at it, and watch all the videos; there are 11 in total, it's broken into small pieces so it's easier to manage if you're busy. Let me know what you think. :) THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS! :)

    Lynds! :)

  • At 11:30 AM, Blogger Suldog said…

    Hi, M:

    Just wanted to let you know that you're invited to my virtual birthday party today! You can bring as many guests as you'd like!


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