Sunday, March 26, 2006

Here kitty kitty!

a nice afternoon nap :)

Trying to help me write a paper.

I haven't talked too much about the adorable furry little member of the family - our cat Chase. He's going to be two years old this summer and still have the personality and energy of a 4 month old kitten.

He loves to sleep on freshly washed laundry.

You may have noticed most pictures are of him sleeping - when he's awake, he rarely sits still long enough for us to catch him with a camera. We love him to pieces though - even if he keeps eating my plants.


  • At 9:27 PM, Blogger Laura said…

    OHMYGOD!!! Super cute. I don't know what I would do without my kitties. They're bad but so cute.

  • At 7:06 PM, Blogger BeechballBeatsCancer said…

    haha, aww, cute kitty! Our cats are bad too, even this morning at about 5am, they flipped the "ugly orange" wheelie/rocking chair upside down, and it scared me so much I had thought the house exploded! I'll have to dedicate a post just to my kitties now so we can compare... you know, like kids! :P *meow*

  • At 7:24 PM, Blogger Melinda said…

    hey that sounds like a good idea! Those of us without babies can show off our adorable pets :)


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